Friday, December 3, 2010
The Changing face of Liposuction....
It all started way back in 1974 when two Italian-American surgeons invented the liposuction procedure ...BUT...a lot has changed since then. YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO BOOK YOURSELF INTO HOSPITAL AND UNDERGO A FULL ANESTHETIC AND TAKE LOADS OF TIME OFF WORK! IN FACT SOMETIMES YOU CAN GO BACK TO WORK THE NEXT DAY! Do I hear a round of applause!!.
And now with Summer here and my knees and thighs heading with rapid speed towards my feet , it makes me think...mmmmmm....wouldn't it be lovely! I don't know about you but there are defintiely pockets of lumpy fat on my body that no amount of exercise or dieting is ever going to budge! So let's read on.
Forget the horror stories you might have read in the magazines and elsewhere about liposuction surgery being dangerous....there have been HUGE strides forward in this 'body sculpting technique..... I am not going to bore you with the whole medical history of lipsuction.
I didn't have to do much searching for this one, I went staright to the Taryn Laine Aesthetic medical clinic for my information .........I trust Dr Mike Henry with my face for botox and if I was ever tempted to get rid of my muffin tops and dimply knees....he would be the only Doctor I would trust. I have also seen many pictures of the awesome results he has achieved ! it is.....all you need to know about having liposuction done as an outpatient at the very private Taryn Laine clinic in Westbourne Rd Port Elizabeth.
Happy reading!
To view the before and after photographs log onto
Fat (adipose) tissue plays a major role in defining our shape/figure and thus appearance. Liposuction is best considered as internal filing or reshaping of fat, especially those pockets and areas we just cannot sort out by diet and exercise alone.
The challenge has been to do it safely, with as little downtime and pain as possible. Tumescent local anaesthesia (with vasoconstriction) of target fat allowing for extremely safe virtually bloodless liposuction under light sedation has become the gold standard worldwide. It cannot be rushed though, and requires calm quiet sterile facilities with no cost pressure on time.
We at Taryn Laine Clinic provide such a setting, performing liposuction with thin bore cannulas that are more time consuming but provide smoother results.
Postoperative pain is minimal for the first 12 to 18 hours whilst the local anaesthesia remains in the targeted fat. Thereafter orally taken medication keeps the pain well under control. Whilst wearing comforting supportive compression garments, physical activity is encouraged and depending on the area treated some have returned to work the next day; more extensive liposuction and more sensitive areas may require a few days off work.
Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure but a reshaping tool. Weight gain after liposuction will not completely negate this reshaping effect though as fat increase tends to be widely and uniformly spread rather than to preferentially reaccumulate at treated sites.
Both men and women can benefit
Areas amenable to liposuction that we treat at TLC include:-
• The abdomen, upper and lower with option of including a mini tummy tuck
• The flanks , waist, and back to produce a more voluptuos curve in women or v-shape in men
• "Saddlebags" on the upper outer thighs of women
• "Love Handles" on the hips
• The inner knees and upper inner thighs to create 'a gap'
• The upper arms and base of the breasts
• The enlarged male breast
• The ankles
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Do cellulite creams work?
I refuse to believe that a cream that I rub on my thighs will actually remove my cellulite. So….I trawled the web once again and found many an article that said that a cream could remove cellulite….all these websites were promoting their own cellulite removing products….go figure!!!
Then I chanced upon the article below… it and decide for yourself!
Do Anti-Cellulite Creams Work?
Main Category: Women's Health / Gynecology
Also Included In: Dermatology; Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery
Article Date: 30 Jun 2003 - 0:00 PDT
Open just about any women's magazine and you'll find ads for anti-cellulite creams that promise to reduce the spongy, dimply, cottage cheese-looking skin that causes distress to so many women.
The products tout caffeine, retinol and the antioxidant DMAE as the special ingredients that help reduce the appearance of cellulite, which first surfaces on the hips, thighs and buttocks of millions of women during adolescence.
Though excess weight and a lack of exercise can contribute to the problem, even thin women grapple with it.
According to a study by Neutrogena, 70 percent of women have cellulite. More women have it than men, because women have thinner skin, so it shows more clearly.
Wrestling With Cellulite
Over the years, Vivian Carlson has done everything to stay in shape: she runs, goes to the gym and eats healthily, but has had no luck in getting rid of her cellulite. At one point, she even took a dust buster to her inner thigh, hoping to suck the dimply skin away.
'I heard about the treatments they give at the spas - this wasn't so different,' Carlson said. 'It's all suction and massage. Why spend the money on the spa treatments? I thought I was on to something.'
But all she got for her efforts was some red skin. So Carlson avoids wearing dresses or skirts and wears a skirted bathing suit to the beach.
She's not alone, and that is why the interest in anti-cellulite creams is so strong.
Linda Wells, editor-in-chief of Allure magazine, says the new products claim to help with the appearance of cellulite, and do not say that they can banish it completely
'No cream will get rid of cellulite,' Wells said. 'And they don't really say that they do. What they say is 'help the appearance of cellulite.''
Caffeine is in almost every cellulite-reducing product that shows any benefit, because it helps blood flow to the skin and works like a diuretic, Wells said, adding that it flushes you out.
'In removing moisture from the skin, it firms it, albeit temporarily,' Wells said.
Retinol is supposed to work by being able to penetrate the skin, exfoliate it, and increase collagen production, which makes skin thicker and hides the dimpling fat.
But the question is how much is needed in the products to achieve the effects, because too much can dry out the skin and cause it to redden and peel, Wells said.
Other creams boast the ingredient dimethylaminoethanol or DMAE, an antioxidant derived from fish that when combined with amino acids supposedly stimulates the muscles to contract and become firmer.
No Scientific Proof
But doctors said is no scientific proof that cellulite creams are effective in getting rid of cellulite or reducing its appearance.
Women who believe that they can eliminate cellulite through creams, or even weight loss, are likely to be disappointed, said Dr. Garry S. Brody, a professor of plastic surgery at the University of Southern California.
Cellulite Removal - Cellulite removal treatments and hair restoration techniques. -
'So-called cellulite is the natural anatomic contour characteristic of many women's thighs and buttocks,' Brody said. 'It is unrelated to weight gain or loss. There is absolutely no surgical or medical solution to women's dislike of this appearance except for the psychological self-deception of wanting to believe the ads.'
Cellulite Is the Norm
Dr. Lisa M. Donofrio, an assistant professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, and Tulane University School of Medicine, agreed that there is no scientific proof that the creams work, and there is no concrete way to measure cellulite, either. She tells her patients that cellulite is normal, and is likely the product of genetics and hormones.
'Cellulite is a storage pattern of superficial fat,' Donofrio said. 'Instead of fat being stored diffusely it is stored in little pockets separated by fibrous strands called septae.'
Contrary to what patients have heard or read, cellulite is not the result of toxins, poor circulation or clogged lymphatics, she said. In fact, one study that compared cellulite fat to other fat found no biochemical differences.
If patients really want to try something to get rid of cellulite - beyond diet and exercise - they can try the creams, but she suggests buying the inexpensive variety, and giving it eight weeks to work.
One doctor said that he has heard anecdotally from his patients that the creams help eliminate the appearance of cellulite, but there is no medical proof to back it up.
'I have never read a convincing research article that explains how anti-cellulite creams work,' said Dr. Ron M. Shelton of the New York Aesthetic Center. 'We do know that they do not create long-lasting effects. The topical therapy must be continued to maintain the results.'
Theoretically, at least, cream ingredients such as methylxanthine - caffeine is one form of it - are chemicals that reduce fluid retention, which can make cellulite worse. But there is a lack of medical data showing that the products can be absorbed well into the fat through the skin surface, Shelton said.
Reaching the Fat Cells
Donofrio said there have been a few small trials by cosmetic companies or physicians who are 'testing' their own products, but she questions how the cellulite is measured.
One 1999 published study showed no improvement in cellulite for 56 women who had tried a tissue-kneading machine or aminophylline cream, one of the ingredients in current anti-cellulite creams.
'The main problem is twofold: Do these ingredients have any merit when applied topically, and at what concentration?' Donofrio said. It is 'pretty ludicrous' to think that a topical agent could get through multiple layers of skin and into the fat, but even if that were possible, no one has studied at what concentration it would be possible, she said.
There is also no standardized means of measuring cellulite, making it difficult to gauge whether improvement has indeed taken place, she said. Both caffeine and aminophylline, ingredients found in the creams, are dehydrating chemicals.
It is postulated that they perhaps show benefit by changing the water content of the skin overlying the fat, and change the look of that skin. But only Retin-A, which is available by prescription and is known generically as tretinoin, has been proven to do that.
'Retin-A thickens the uppermost skin cell layer - this has been scientifically proven,' Donofrio said. 'If the skin over the cellulite is thicker, the cellulite won't 'bulge' out so much. Let's say you have a down comforter that is lumpy. It will look a lot lumpier with a thin cotton cover that it will with a thick canvas cover to camouflage it.'
The over-the-counter alternative to Retin-A is a metabolite of tretinoin called retinol, but the concentration as which it can thicken the skin to improve cellulite - if it can at all - is unknown, she said.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What you should be looking for in a moisturiser!
Moisturizer: What Makes a State-of-the-Art Moisturizer
Moisturizer is a ubiquitous term that has lost meaning over the years. With all the anti-aging, anti-wrinkling, lifting, firming, nourishing, organic, works-like-Botox, eye cream, and throat cream products touting their miracle formulations, it’s hard to know where moisturizers fit into the picture. In actuality, regardless of the name or claim, “moisturizers,” whether they are in cream, lotion, serum, or even liquid form, must supply the skin with ingredients that maintain its structure, reduce free-radical damage (environmental assaults on the skin from sun, pollution, and air), and help cells function more normally. When moisturizers contain the well-researched, effective groups of ingredients that can do these things, they are as close to “anti-aging” and repairing as any skin-care product can get.
Contrary to what the cosmetics industry at large would like you to believe, a state-of-the-art moisturizer does not rely on one “star” ingredient to enhance skin’s appearance or function, or to improve the appearance of wrinkles. Month after month, consumers are faced with new ingredients, each claiming superiority over any number of predecessors, although the majority have no substantiated, non-company-funded research to prove these assertions. This constant yet ever-changing list of “best” ingredients may keep things interesting for cosmetic marketing departments, but it rarely helps the consumer determine what is needed to maintain healthy, radiant skin.
All skin types will benefit from daily, topical application of antioxidants, anti-irritants, and water-binding agents that work to mimic the structure and function of healthy skin. Aside from antioxidants, cell-communicating ingredients, and ingredients that mimic the structure of skin, dry skin also needs emollients such as oils (non-fragrant, ranging from olive or evening primrose to borage or sunflower), triglycerides, and fatty acids (lipids such as cholesterol, lecithin, and linoleic acid).
Daytime versus Nighttime Moisturizers
Putting aside the claims, hype, and misleading information you may have heard, the only real difference between a daytime and nighttime moisturizer is that the daytime version should contain a well-formulated sunscreen. For daytime wear, unless your foundation contains an effective sunscreen, it is essential that your moisturizer features a well-formulated, broad-spectrum sunscreen rated SPF 15 or higher. Well-formulated means it contains UVA-protecting ingredients of titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or avobenzone (also called butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane). Regardless of the time of day, your skin needs all the state-of-the-art ingredients I describe in the following paragraphs.
The brilliance of cosmetic chemists and advanced ingredient technology allows for the creation of all types of moisturizers (with and without sunscreen) that have elegant textures, silky applications, and superb finishes. The days of plain, water-and-wax moisturizers are over (though many lines still sell such formulations to unwary customers). Using these antiquated formulations is like using computers made in the 1980s. That would be cheating your skin by not giving it the best that’s out there to help it (dare I say it) “look younger.” The following is a list of the key elements of today’s state-of-the-art moisturizers, the kind I recommended highly:
Ingredients that Mimic the Structure of Skin
Ingredients that mimic the structure of skin go by several names including natural moisturizing factors (NMFs) and I have often referred to them in my books as water-binding agents. These are suitable for all skin types. "Water-binding agent" and NMF are general terms that refer to ingredients capable of keeping water in the skin or repairing the skin's intercellular matrix (fundamental external structure). There are many ingredients that have these functions. Humectants, of which glycerin is a classic example, draw water to skin and are one vital component of a moisturizer. But what good is attracting water to the skin if the structure isn't there to keep the water from leaving? It turns out skin cells usually have plenty of water if they don't become damaged, and healthy skin’s water content typically ranges from 10-30%. Once skin is irritated, over-cleansed, exposed to the sun, or dehydrated by air conditioning or indoor heaters its integrity is compromised and water loss ensues. This occurs when the substances that keep the skin cells bound together to create the surface structure we see as skin (the intercellular matrix) are depleted. This intercellular structure is made up of many different components, ranging from ceramides to lecithin, glycerin, polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate, sodium PCA, collagen, elastin, proteins, amino acids, cholesterol, glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycogen, phospholipids, glycosphingolipids, glycosaminoglycans, and many more. All of these give the skin what it needs to keep its cells intact. Just adding water is meaningless if the intercellular matrix is damaged. When a moisturizer does contain a combination of these NMFs and water-binding ingredients, it can help reinforce the skin's natural ability to function normally, improve skin’s texture, and with continual use of products containing the ingredients mentioned above, can eliminate dry skin.
Anti-irritants are another vital aspect of any skin-care formulation. Regardless of the source, irritation is a problem for all skin types, yet it is almost impossible to avoid. Whether it is from the sun, oxidative damage from pollution, the environment, or from the skin-care products a person uses, irritation can be a constant assault on the skin. Ironically, even such necessary ingredients as sunscreen agents, preservatives, exfoliants, and cleansing agents can cause irritation. Other ingredients, like fragrance, menthol, and sensitizing plant extracts, are primary irritants and are typically void of genuine benefits for skin, so their usage is negative, at least if you’re serious about creating and maintaining healthy skin.
Anti-irritants are incredibly helpful because they allow skin healing time and can reduce the problems oxidative and sources of external damage cause. Anti-irritants include substances such as allantoin, aloe, bisabolol, burdock root, chamomile extract, glycyrrhetinic acid, grape extract, green tea, licorice root, vitamin C, white willow, willow bark, willow herb, and many, many more. Their benefit to skin should be strongly considered because this is a rare case where too much of a good thing is better!
Antioxidants are an essential element to a state-of-the-art moisturizer. A growing body of research continues to show that antioxidants are a potential panacea for skin's ills and ignoring this while shopping for moisturizers is shortchanging your skin. What makes antioxidants so intriguing is that they seem to have the ability to reduce or prevent some amount of the oxidative damage that destroys and depletes the skin's function and structure, while also preventing some amount of solar degeneration of skin (Sources: Cosmetic Dermatology, December 2001, pages 37-40; Current Problems in Dermatology, 2001, Volume 29, pages 26-42; Dermatologic Surgery, "The Antioxidant Network of the Stratum Corneum”; July 31, 2005, pages 814-817; and Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, February 23, 2005, pages 287-295).
The most common antioxidants used in skin-care products include alpha lipoic acid, beta-glucan, coenzyme Q10, curcumin, grape seed extract, green tea, soybean sterols, superoxide dismutase, vitamin A (retinyl palmitate and retinol), vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate and magnesium ascorbyl palmitate), vitamin E (alpha tocopherol, tocotrienol), and extracts from lemon and rosemary.
A key point to keep in mind while considering a moisturizer with antioxidants is packaging. Although antioxidants have great ability to intercept and mitigate free-radical damage, their main irony is that they deteriorate when repeatedly exposed to air (oxygen) and sunlight. Therefore, an antioxidant-laden moisturizer packaged in a jar or clear (instead of opaque) container will likely lose its antioxidant benefit within weeks (or days, depending on the formula) after it is opened. Look for moisturizers with antioxidants that are packaged in opaque tubes or bottles and be sure the orifice (where the product is dispensed from) is small to minimize exposing the product to air.
Cell-Communicating Ingredients
This new group of ingredients is getting attention for their role in helping skin function more normally. Medical journals refer to these as “cell signaling” substances—but I think “cell communicating” is more descriptive of what they do in relation to skin care.
Whereas antioxidants work by intervening in a chain-reaction process called free-radical damage, “grabbing” the loose-cannon molecule that causes free-radical damage to nullify it, cell-communicating ingredients, theoretically, have the ability to tell a skin cell to look, act, and behave better, more like a normal healthy skin cell would, or to stop other substances from telling the cell to behave badly or abnormally. This is exciting news because antioxidants lack the ability to “tell” a damaged skin cell to behave more normally. Years of unprotected or poorly protected sun exposure causes abnormal skin cells to be produced. Instead of normal, round, even, and completely intact skin cells being regenerated, when damaged cells form and reproduce they are uneven, flat, and lack structural integrity. As a result of these deformities, they behave poorly. This is where cell-communicating ingredients (examples are niacinamide and adenosine triphosphate) have the potential to help.
Every cell has a vast series of receptor sites for different substances. These receptor sites are the cell’s communication hookup. When the right ingredient for a specific site shows up, it has the ability to attach itself to the cell and transmit information. In the case of skin, this means telling the cell to start doing the things a healthy skin cell should be doing. If the cell accepts the message, it then shares the same healthy message with other nearby cells and so on and so on.
As long as there is a receptor site and the appropriate, healthy signaling substance, a lot of good, healthy communication takes place. But a cell’s communication network is more complex than any worldwide telephone system ever made. The array of receptor sites and the substances that can make connections to them make up a huge, complex, and varied group with incredible limitations and convoluted pathways that we are still finding out about. And as far as skin care is concerned, it’s an area of research that’s in its infancy. No doubt you will be hearing more and more about cell-communicating or cell-signaling ingredients being used in skin-care products, despite the lack of solid research. The good news is that, theoretically, this new horizon in skin care is incredibly exciting. (Sources: Microscopy Research and Technique, January 2003, pages 107–114; Nature Medicine, February 2003, pages 225–229; Journal of Investigative Dermatology, March 2002, pages 402–408; International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, July 2004, pages 1141–1146; Experimental Cell Research, March 2002, pages 130–137; Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, September-October 2002, pages 316–320; and
All of the elements above are prime factors that contribute to making what I (and many cosmetic ingredient researchers and chemists) consider a state-of-the-art moisturizer. It is important to know that there is no single “best” moisturizer available. Instead, there are many brilliant formulations, and consumers can find a truly elegant product for their skin type, be it a serum-type moisturizer for use on combination or oily skin, or an emollient-rich product to help remedy dry skin.
For those with truly dry skin, not caused from irritating or drying skin-care products, emollients are lubricating ingredients that are critical for making skin feel hydrated. These provide dry skin with the one thing it's missing—moisture—in the form of substances that resemble those the skin produces for itself. Emollients are ingredients like plant oils, mineral oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, petrolatum, fatty alcohols, and animal oils (including emu, mink, and lanolin, the latter probably the one ingredient that is most like our own skin's oil). All of these are exceptionally beneficial for all cases of dry skin, and easily recognizable on an ingredient list.
More technical-sounding ingredients like triglycerides, benzoates, myristates, palmitates, and stearates are generally waxy in texture and appearance but provide most moisturizers with their elegant texture and feel. Overall, emollients create the fundamental base and texture of a moisturizer and impart a creamy, smooth feel on the skin. Silicones (seen on the label in terms ending in “siloxane”) are another interesting group of lubricants for skin. They have the most exquisite, silky texture and an incredible ability to prevent dehydration without suffocating skin. All of these ingredients spread over the skin to create a thin, imperceptible layer, recreating the benefits of our own oil production, preventing evaporation, and giving dry skin the lubrication it is missing.
For Those with Normal to Oily Skin or Minimal Dryness
You may be wondering what to use if you don’t have dryness but still want to give your skin the ingredients it needs to look and feel better. Moisturizers in cream, balm, or ointment form are bound to be problematic if you have any degree of oiliness, and so are many lighter-weight lotions. What works instead is to look for water- or silicone-based fluids (including well-formulated toners) or serums that are loaded with beneficial antioxidants, anti-irritants, and ingredients that mimic the structure and function of healthy skin (including water-binding agents such as glycerin or lecithin and cell-communicating ingredients such as niacinamide or adenosine triphosphate). Using such products will give your skin what it needs without layering on emollients, thickeners, or other heavier ingredients that are elemental for dealing with dry skin but often troublesome for combination or oily skin. If you have combination skin but suffer from very dry areas, you may have no choice but to address the dryness with a more emollient moisturizer. The key is to only apply it to the dry areas and make sure it doesn’t migrate to oily zones.
What about sunscreen? Great question, because this is a daily essential for every skin type! Because most sunscreen formulations apply and perform best when formulated in lotion or cream-based emulsions, this can be a tricky area to navigate for someone with oily skin or oily areas. The good news is that silicone technology has made it possible to create ultra-light sunscreens that allow the active ingredients to remain suspended and spread easily (and uniformly) over skin. They aren’t as prevalent as standard sunscreen creams and lotions, but such products are available from most of the major skin-care players, including Clinique, Estee Lauder, Neutrogena, and Olay. Many smaller, niche lines offer such products too, including companies such as DDF (Doctor’s Dermatologic Formula) and Peter Thomas Roth.
(Other sources for this article: Current Molecular Medicine, March 2005, pages 171-177; Applied Spectroscopy, July 1998, pages 1001-1007; Skin Research and Technology, November 2003, pages 306-311; Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, March 2003, pages 352-358; Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, November-December 1999, pages 344-351; and Dermatology, February 2005, pages 128-134).
Paula Begoun
Friday, September 17, 2010
C0q10...can it really do anything for your skin?
As promised , this month I decided to get the low down on all the current hype around something called coenzyme Q10. I trawled the web to try and find out whether or not there was any truth to the claims made by many well know brand names in the beauty business.
I found the article below while doing my research and do believe that it really tells it like it is as far as Q10 is concerned.
Happy reading and thanks to the writer of this article.
Coenzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is a relative newcomer to the skin care industry. Yet, its value for general health and nutrition is rather well known and well researched.
CoQ10 has at least two important roles in the body. First, it is one of the essential cogs in the biochemical machinery that produces biological energy (ATP) inside the cells. Second, CoQ10 is an antioxidant. It helps neutralize harmful free radicals, which are one of the causes of aging. Under perfect conditions, the body can produce as much CoQ10 as it needs. However, various factors, such as aging, stress and some medications, can lower the levels of CoQ10 in the body. As a result, the ability of cells to withstand stress and regenerate declines. Unfortunately, the levels of CoQ10 in the body almost inevitably decline with age. In fact, CoQ10 is regarded as one of the most accurate biomarkers of aging since its decline correlates so well with the aging process. In some studies, rodents treated with supplemental CoQ10 lived up to 30 percent longer than their untreated counterparts. The effects of CoQ10 supplements on human longevity remain unknown. On the other hand, it was proven useful in treating certain human diseases, including heart failure and hypertension.
What can CoQ10 do for your skin? Theoretically speaking, CoQ10 (in a skin cream, for example) can be helpful. In most people over thirty, levels of CoQ10 in the skin are below optimum, resulting in lesser ability to produce collagen, elastin and other important skin molecules. Besides, CoQ10-depleted skin may be more prone to the damage by free radicals, which are particularly abundant in the skin since it is exposed to the elements. Thus, CoQ10 may boost skin repair and regeneration and reduce free radical damage. Furthermore, CoQ10 is a small molecule that can relatively easily penetrate into skin cells.
Based on this rationale as well as the drive to put new products on the marker, some companies introduced skin care products with CoQ10. It is unclear whether these products are effective. Firstly, theoretical effectiveness does not always result into practical benefits. Second, very few real studies indicating possible practical skin benefits of CoQ10 have been conducted so far. Arguably, the most encouraging was a 1999 study by German researchers who reported that long-term use of CoQ10 reduced crows feet (wrinkles around the eye).
Even if CoQ10 can be effective in treating skin aging, it is unclear whether popular CoQ10 products contain sufficient concentration of active CoQ10. (Keep in mind that CoQ10, just like vitamin C, can be inactivated by oxygen from the air.). You can get around this problem, however, by preparing your own CoQ10 cream where you can ensure proper freshness and concentration. (See DIY Anti-Aging Skin Care Infopack for specific instructions).
NEXT MONTH I'M TACKLING MOISTURISERS......let's see which ones really work and which one's are a waste of our money!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hyaluronic acid in a anti-ageing miracle....or not?
There is no doubt that hyaluronic filler injections can achieve incredible results……have had this procedure myself, I can vouch for it.
But…what about all those rows ‘n rows of creams containing hyaluronic acid and claiming to be miracles in a jar….money down the drain or not? All those magazine advertisments?
Not wishing you bog you down with a whole lot of scientific jargon, I am going to make this as brief as possible.
What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic Acid is a key component of human tissue, providing the body with essential moisture and a viable way to erase wrinkles without the loss of facial expression.
Hyaluronic acid is available in facial injections under product names like Restylane, a hyaluronic acid wrinkle-filler that works to lift the lip, wrinkles or folds and create Substance volume.
Hyaluronic acid injections do not relax muscles but instead “fill in” areas most affected by wrinkles and fine lines.
That Prevents Wrinkles and Keeps Your Body Supple
In my endeavour to uncover the truth I came across some really interesting articles…read the one below by Jakki Francie…..HAD TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU.
By: Jakki Francis
In Yuzuri Hara, a village in Japan, ten percent of the population is 85 or older. Diseases of aging, such as cancer, diabetes and Alzieimer’s are virtually unknown.
People rarely see a doctor and their skin rarely shows signs of aging. They live long, healthy active lives.
As reported on the ABC News program 20/20, researchers have discovered the ‘magical’ ingredient that appears to keep people in Yuzuri Hara young. It is hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the carbohydrate foods that are unique to the hilly terrain of this village.
The Times Newspaper (UK) reported in New LIFE in OLD BONES:
"Researchers are looking for the genes involved with osteo-arthritis, which may lead to more effective, targeted therapies. Some studies have also shown positive results from injections into arthritic joints of hyaluronic acid, a component of the bodies own lubricant fluid, which seems to delay the need for a joint replacement."
What Is Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic Acid; or HA is a natural substance that is plentiful in our bodies when we are born.
It is found in all human connective tissue.
What Does Hyaluronic Acid Do?
HA occurs naturally in the deeper layers of our skin (the dermis). It helps to keep skin smooth and "plump" through its ability to hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water.
It lubricates the joints.
HA plays a critical role in the rapid repair of wounds and other skin conditions.
Hyaluronic acid improves eye-sight
Moisture Retention
The ability to retain and hold moisture is the secret to youthful, healthy, vibrant skin.
Aging robs us of this innate ability to hold in moisture. As we get older our bodies produce less and less hyaluronic acid. The drop in HA starts at around the age of 18-20 years. But after the age of 40 the down slide becomes apparent. Skin starts to lose its elasticity and lines and wrinkles appear.
Hyaluronic acid also supports the formation and maintenance of collagen, an important connective tissue. Collagen degradation is believed to cause a decrease in skin tone and elasticity.
Healthy, youthful skin comes from the inside. By replacing the components that naturally deplete with age, we can reverse the signs associated with aging.
Hyaluronic acid supplementation puts back in what is naturally lost to restore radiance and youth.
with hyaluronic acid or other polymers. Topical creams and lotions have a superficial moisturizing but they do not penetrate the skin and do not have any long lasting effect on wrinkles. Yes..they may be very good moisturizers (which is important) YOU CANNOT COMPARE A TOPICAL CREAM WITH THE INJECTIBLE VERSION
THE FINAL word on the subject of hyaluronic acid topical creams comes from Dr Mike Henry, the pricinicpal clinical aesthetic physiscian at the Taryn Laine Centre.
‘Hyaluronic acid in creams makes no difference at all. It won't penetrate through the epithelium. For it to be effective you have to apply when needling eg mesotherapy or dermarolling.’
( I will be chatting about these two procedures in the near future)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I quote from the article by Emily Pettit – Coetzee . In the article she states that research shows that the use of botox and fillers is one of the top five things women lie about. She goes on to talk about the many celebrities well over forty who decry the use of botox while looking so radiant and unlined that you have to wonder who they think they are fooling. She goes on to cite Nicole Kidman who was recently quoted as saying, ‘I am completely natural…there is nothing in my face’,I’m still laughing!
Emily goes on to say,’Our society has a deep rooted belief that natural is better. And if your genes deliver up blonde hair, plump lips and perky boobs, then you’re considered slightly superior.’
It’s an excellent article and well worth a read!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Anastacia and Botox - reblog from Yahoo
Anastacia happy with Botox
The 41-year-old singer admits to having regular Botox injections in her forehead because she hates the way she looks without the skin-smoothing injections.
She said: "Without it, my frown scares me, let alone everyone else. I get it from my mum who has a perma-frown. It's a family trait.
"So I prefer to get rid of it with Botox in two places on my forehead. I've been having it since 2003."
The 'I'm Outta Love' star - who filed for divorce from husband Wayne Newton in April after three years of marriage - also admitted she hasn't ruled out undergoing further procedures in the future, though she is more comfortable with herself than she used to be.
She added: "I would have surgery if I felt I needed it. I think it can be addictive if you have poor self-image, but I'm alright with the way I look, although it's taken a long time to get here.
"Everything I've been through has affected my confidence. It's all chiselled away at my core. But there's always putty to mend it. I'm definitely growing more comfortable in my skin."
(C) BANG Media International
Carol-Anne Kelleher for Taryn Laine Clinic
Friday, July 16, 2010
Retin A - Does it work?
Page through any magazine these days and you cannot but be amazed at the seemingly endless onslaught of anti-aging advertisements! Now …I’m not’s just that I’m confused.
So let’s cut to the chase…last month I promised you that I would undertake to bring you the truth as far as what works and what does not work when it comes to facial products…let’s begin!.
Let’s start with the much touted ingredient retin A … appears as a ‘magical’ ingredient in product after product. What is it, what does it really do and how concentrated does it need to be in order for it to be effective?
Here’s the low – down !
RETIN A is made from vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is absorbed through the intestines and stored in the liver. Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy skin. It comes in the form of liquid cream or gel.
Retin - a is also known as Retinol, Retinoic Acid and Tretinoin. Retin A is probably the most used ingredient in anti-aging creams, serums and tonics. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, it stimulates the production of collagen and reduces skin discolorations. Retin A is also known for its abilities to tighten large pores and minimize sun damage. Retinol is widely used to treat severe acne and acne Rosacea
As skin ages, it produces less collagen, which gives skin a plump healthy look. Skin cells also slow down their turnover process which makes skin look duller. The effect of the sun on the skin may produce a pretty tan, but later on, sun damage causes age spots and other discolorations. Retin-A helps skin to look younger by speeding up the turnover of skin cells…"
Tretinoin was originally used for acne treatment. but it had the surprising side effect of smoother skin. This product stimulates skin cell activity, including collagen production. In the United States, Retin-A is available only with a prescription. It comes as a topical cream or can be included in a moisturizer.. Retin-A can increase skin's sensitivity to light, so sun block should always be used. It can also cause irritation and peeling. Combining Retin-A treatments with lotions containing alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) can amplify the benefits. AHA's help skin to exfoliate and retain moisture. They can also help lessen the irritation caused by PURE Retin-A.
Do over-the-counter wrinkle creams really reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles? The answer depends on many factors.
Many creams and lotions sold in department stores, in drugstores and on the Internet promise to reduce wrinkles and prevent or reverse damage caused by the sun and the ageing process.
Do they work? Research suggests that some wrinkle creams contain ingredients that may improve wrinkles. But many of these ingredients haven't undergone scientific research to prove this benefit.
If you're looking for a face-lift in a bottle, you probably won't find it in over-the-counter (nonprescription) wrinkle creams. But they may slightly improve the appearance of your skin, depending on how long you use the product and the amount and type of the active ingredient in the wrinkle cream.
Common ingredients in anti-wrinkle creams
The effectiveness of anti-wrinkle creams depends in part on the active ingredient or ingredients. Here are some common ingredients that may result in slight to modest improvements in wrinkles.
Retinol. Retinol is a vitamin A compound and is the first antioxidant to be widely used in nonprescription wrinkle creams. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals — unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. Retinol is less potent than the vitamin A derivative tretinoin, a topical treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating wrinkles. Tretinoin is available only by prescription. Avoid vitamin A derivatives if you are pregnant or may become pregnant because they increase the risk of birth defects.
With so much hype and misinformation associated with the marketing of anti-aging skin care products, it can be difficult to determine what actually works for improving the texture and appearance of aging skin. The one skin care ingredient that’s been promoted heavily for skin rejuvenation is retinol. Is there truth behind the widely claimed benefits of using retinol for skin rejuvenation?
.The limiting factor with many skin care products that advertise that they promote collagen production is that the molecules are unable to penetrate deeply enough to gain access to the dermis where the fibroblasts are located. Hence, they’re unable to stimulate collagen synthesis despite their advertising claims. This is where the retinol molecule is different. It has the ability to penetrate the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, and gain access to the inner dermis where it can stimulate the fibroblasts to produce more collagen.
The ability to gain access to the dermis and stimulate collagen production gives retinol the ability to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles as well as counteract some of the skin damage created by years of sun exposure. Retinol also increases the thickness of the outer skin layer, the epidermis. This results in a skin with a finer, more translucent texture as well as a reduction in skin roughness.
Do studies confirm that retinol works to improve the appearance of aging skin? A study performed on 31 subjects to test the effects of retinol on skin texture and appearance. The individuals had a 0.4% retinol solution applied to one arm and a placebo to the other. Not only did the arm that received the retinol show improvement in skin roughness and texture, but a skin biopsy revealed an increase in the precursors of collagen synthesis, suggesting that collagen production was being stimulated. In addition, retinol has been used by dermatologists and physicians for many years as an anti-aging cream with good results.
It appears that retinol is effective both in improving the texture of the skin as well as reducing the appearance of fine lines. By stimulating collagen production, it may also compensate for some of the solar damage accrued over the years. Although you can buy dilute retinol formulations over the counter, they may not have the same benefit as prescription formulations available from your doctor. Because prescription strict retinol in the form of Retin-A and its derivatives may be too irritating for some people’s skin, it may be prudent to start with a lower strength, non-prescription formulation and advance to the prescription form if results aren’t achieved. Remember to always wear a sunblock when using retinol since it increases sensitivity to the sun.
Watch out for next month’s blog…I’ll be taking a look at all the hype surrounding hyalauric acid! Till then, take care.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Botox Video - the real deal!
It is in fact in celebration of my fiftieth birthday that I have decided to launch my own blog in the interests of sharing the secrets to a dramatically youthful looking skin! The very fact that you are reading this means that you are interested in turning back he hands of time…… get ready to see what the Taryn Laine Clinic can do for you!!!
Follow the link to a short youtube clip to see the dramatic difference botox , peels and fillers have made to my face……..and get ready to be amazed!
AND WATCH THIS SPACE…next month’s blog….are you as confused as I am about which beauty ingredients really work! I’m going on a mission to find out what does really work and what’s just marketing hype!
I’d love you to leave a comment of any of your beauty queries and I’ll put them to our panel of experts!
Till next time…take care…..
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Botox - the inside scoop!

I have to confess that I am a recent convert....yes I too heard the stories about it being snake poison.......tales of ending up with an expressionless face that could look neither happy or sad......why my very own mother Kate...told me that my face would eventually collapse if I had it too often.! Ahhhhhhhhh...a little knowledge ...and what is worse...incorrect knowledge can be a dangerous thing! But suffice it to say that the little bits and pieces I had read about and heard about was enough to make me absolutely terrified of actually taking the plunge.
So how did I come to cross over to the other side? It all started whilst looking for a skin therapist who could actually do something noticeable for my skin. I was fast approaching 49 and in my line of work, youthful skin increases my longevity...yup sadly...ageism, particularly if you are a woman , is a very real thing...I can see Helen Zille nodding in agreement.
Anyway after doing the rounds of various places I ended up at the Taryn Laine Clinic after seeing an advertisement of theirs...mmm I thought... those chemical peels sound really good...and they really were. You know that night out when you start off with a glass of wine and then before you know it you've got a shooter in your hand? Well I guess it was something like that that happened to me at The Taryn Laine Clinic. Heck it really was inevitable after seeing how stunning Dr Mike Henry's gorgeous wife looked ....a self confessed botox babe! I was truly astonished when I heard how old she was. So during my visits for peels I would listen to her telling me all about botox etc...and the's history.
Now if you are as afraid as I was then you need to read all the bits and pieces on the website that answer your concerns and fears about botox. If there is an unanswered question then please email the clinic.

I have to tell you that the results have been amazing!! Truly amazing!...but hey ..I'm getting ahead of what does it entail this botox thing I hear you ask? Well I can only speak of my personal experience, we all experience things like a visit to a dentist differently. obviously you know that botox involves injections to the face. The forehead...I hardly feel it...below the eyes a little more sensitive but nothing that I cannot handle. For me it is really not uncomfortable at all!
Nowadays I bump into folk I have not seen in a while and they say to me..'you look so good!' ex-sister in law with whom I braaied (barbequed)the other day as she was visiting from England, and whom I had not seen in years said to me 'You haven't aged at haven't got any wrinkles!!! Ahhhhh..that's because I have my very own Michelangelo ...Dr Mike Henry!