I sigh deeply as I begin to type this……so many doubting thomas’!!! I still encounter quite a few people who really want to do something about their wrinkles and really want to try botox but are just a little scared of the whole thing! I’ll keep it short n sweet...this is what you need to know about botox.
It has become the most frequent cosmetic procedure used all over the world and it has been FDA APPROVED FOR TWENTY YEARS!!! FDA approved means BOTOX IS SAFE TO USE ON YOUR FACE!
WHAT CAN BOTOX DO : It is used to eradicate frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet. It can also be used to improve a gummy smile , to soften smokers lines on the lips,to help lift a downturning mouth, soften lines on the neck and lift the neck and jawline. Botox can also be used to create a brow lift...this can have an amazing effect...I have had it done once or twice and the effect is awesome.
Nowadays women are having botox done when wrinkles first start appearing ...the reason...this prevents wrinkles from becoming deep and ingrained . The effects of botox usually last from between 3 to 6 months. I have found that having had botox for four years now I can go longer and longer between top ups. I have included a pic of Madonna ...this pic was taken last week at the Venice film festival. It has not been airbrushed and it’s a close up….she looks amazing. Madonna is 53 now and proof that ‘liquid’ facelifts really do work. Anyway...
Another important fact you need to know...botox can only cause you to have a frozen looking expression if you go to an inexperienced aesthetic medical practitioner or if you go to someone who is not qualified to administer botox.
I hope that this has cleared up the whole botox and safety debate...if you have any questions please just mail us!
Before I go……how happy are we that spring is finally here! However I leave you with this fact as we look forward to those lazy hazy days of summer...80 per cent of all visible aging is caused by the sun!
Make sure you wear a sunscreen every day...even in winter!!! Oh...and speaking of summer, log onto the Taryn Laine Clinic website and see the amazing results of VASER THERAPY! Dr Mike Henry has the only vaser machine in Port Elizabeth, the results will astound you .
Till next time…take care